A View of Switzerland

Children have a beautiful way of describing their world and what is so fantastic is that this is often coupled with an innocence that prevents them from really understanding just how true what they say or write actually is.

“I looked outside the window and saw high mountains, big grass fields and
thousands of wooden houses, and a large beautiful church. Behind a little
hill was a beautiful green and blue lake. I saw cows with bells on, klonk,
klonk, klonk. Men with a funny hat and long socks…."

“I see Italians complaining about a banana. I see the beautiful mountains
turning to red as the sun sets.”
“I see a lot of mountains covered with snow giving the mountain an ice cream
look. Trees without leaves just waiting for spring time to come. Snow covering
the ground as if salt fell over the ground on purpose."

"…one cloud reminds me of my mom’s frying pan.”

“I see below me the beautiful, glistening lake. The emerald rocky mountains. The
chorus of the bells that are strapped around the cows' strong necks. The rolling
hills with chalets planted on the tops. The dazzling dew set on the grass. Wow,
the big orange sun. Its mouth is beaming.”

"In the front, there were crumbling stone path splattered with rotting
persimmons. I could also see palm trees lining the path, a blue sky with puffs
of white clouds and hills rolling towards the blue lake. Switzerland curled along
one shore and Italy sprawled on the other."