I needed a Plan B
Plan A would be sharing the content of this blog in person, face to face in conversation, you share-I share, with dramatic effect, actions... voices.... the whole bit. But my friends and family have become scattered across the globe, making Plan A not always feasible. So, this blog becomes part of a 'Plan B'; to share some of my "special moments":
- Alysha learns something new
- Alysha does something she thinks is interesting
- Alysha thinks it's funny
- Alysha is brought to question
Emily Dickinson wrote to "dwell in possibility", taken by me to mean the possibility that the everyday things are more than the evident; that they stand filled with possible opportunities for laughter, insight, motivation, change... anything really, for those willing to open their minds to them. I don't know what this blog will transform into, but for now I should dwell in all its possibilities. If she had been born one hundred years later and was looking for a Plan B, maybe she also would have written a blog, or at least I like to think so.

I dwell in Possibility —
A fairer House than Prose —
More numerous of Windows —
Superior—for Doors —
Of Chambers as the Cedars —
Impregnable of Eye—
And for an Everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky—
Of Visitors —the fairest—
For Occupation —This—
The spreading wide of narrow Hands
To gather Paradise—