ISTA Portugal

This year we took ten kids to the Ista Festival (International Schools Theatre Association) for four days. Lucky for us, the host school, St. Julian's, is at the beach. Alongside playing at the beach and frolicking in Portuguese gardens like nymphs, we did a lot of theatre. Melissa and I got into some pretty serious stage combat in our teacher workshop and... errr... sorry about the black eye, Melissa!

We spent the day at this enormous private gardens doing outdoor theatre. Talk about inspired!

We made a fabulous one minute chase video on our lunch break. Then we put 105 kids to sleep in the courtyard. Teachers needed some down time!

Melissa and I enjoying the beach... before the kids dragged me into the ocean with all my clothes on. I mean, throwing a teacher in the ocean is like a small piece of heaven for a middle schooler. The child in me was envious.