The Science of Kite Flying in the Park

If we had taken a cab home today with all our groceries, we would have missed this. This man not only made his own kite out of an old calendar, but he also had broken it down into an art, and then he taught it to me. I told him his kite was as good as the purchased ones and he basically said, bought kites have no meaning. At the beginning I wasn't very good at keeping it high, but I got the hang of it and I think my notible improvement made him equally as happy as it made me. I'd like to try it again this spring.

17 months

The village behind our mountain has been 'relocated' this month, in favour of plans for another high rise development, including the reclaiming of the bay. If you look closely there are still two small houses in the picture on the right, possibly the next famous nail houses? Supposedly they can't legally be forced to leave if they refuse to, but they can be cut off of water, sewer and electricity... as easy as I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down the first time around.

Fixing Up the Neighbourhood

Jokes make tests on the evolution of the Canadian government more memorable... It is a win/win, they get to tell me a joke and I get to hear it. These were my favourites:
1. "An apple was walking down the street and he got hungry so he ate himself." HAHA
2. "Peat and Repeat were birds on a tree. Peat flew away. Who was left?" HAHA