Message from Mandakh

I just got this email from one of my students from when I was teaching in Mongolia this past summer. Her name is Mandakh Nyamdavaa and she is working her way through high school in Ulaanbaatar, emailing me every now and then to tell me something new. Like CNY, Mongolia national new year recently came and went and I appreciate the loyalty to her traditions she shows by sending me this email/picture combo.
hi oh are in london now? i thought that you are in china. Do remember what i wrote in my essay? it was about our traditional foods. We eat buuzs during the new year. Do you miss Tsuivan(meal)? you said you like tsuivan. it has been heavy snowing for 2 days. it is getting colder out side. actually it was not cold here about +2 celcium. Do you keep in touch with other student? I can't contact other students because of busy. i wanna send you picture that is capture of holiday(national new year). it is my grandparents' house. but it is last year's picture. there are big big cookies, and big meat that boiled in water and other sweets.