October Break

A friend of mine, Charlie, came over from England to enjoy our 'coincidently coinciding' vacations. We explored Zurich and the little villages around it and generally just had a lot of laughs and cooked a lot of food.

We spent two days hiking in the mountains near Interlaken; this was the chalet we stayed overnight in (above left), basically we played some cards and shivered into the night. It was worth it if not only to see the sunrise over the snow the next morning (below left). We spent a lot of time staring out at the valley feeling refreshingly humbled by its massivity. This is also Charlie contempating our path down... I think this picture was taken just moments before noticing the intercepting sheer cliff and having to backtrack. Better to have explored the path than be kept in wonder; wise words that stem far deeper than this days hike I say.
I am going to start writing comments to go along with the pictures I post again... a novel idea really.