Let me say something about London that I haven't said before. This time, because I was there for work again, I had to stay around my hotel room in London proper. Which means, for me, shopping. As I wandered around Oxford Circus, swirling in and out of shops, I thought of all the nice things I had bought: shoes, a new book, lunch, a shirt, a pair of capris and a snow globe of the London Bridge. Did I splurge and buy too much? I asked myself. No... was my answer. Think of all the things that I didn't buy today. Now that is a lot of stuff.
Am I where I should be? What really is happiness? How does that Kraft Dinner commercial go again? ... and other musings from Hyde Park
I wandered back and forth through Hyde Park a few times over the course of these three days, thinking about nothing and everything at the same time, and even thinking about 'thinking in Hyde Park' long enough to decide to write about it here. It seems that this considerable time spent in a foggy park ironically cleared my head and, I discovered, that remarkable thought patterns trickle through a clear head. To fill the space and time, I seemed in this pattern of unconsciously asking myself a huge, unanswerable question to ponder for awhile. This was followed by little to no success at even grasping the magnitude of the question. This would lead back to thinking about nothing for another moment again before I'd find myself mindlessly humming a show tune or commerical jingle. The wisdom from this is that maybe, in the middle of these high and low level thoughts, those breakthrough-life-direction-changing epiphanies have their opportunity to appear. I didn't necessarily have any life changing epiphanies, even though Hyde Park is very big... and I'll take that as something in itself.
Ode to the Swiss Inn Hotel
I spent a week of Spring break with Melissa on the Red Sea in Egypt. As you can see from the picture below, both of us are smiling with our whole faces. I am pretty sure we did this the. entire. time.